Women’s Health

What it is

Women’s Health Physiotherapy is a specialist area of Physiotherapy concerned with Obstetrics and Gynaecology as well as dysfunction of the pelvis and the pelvic floor. A Women’s Health Specialist can also treat men with pelvic dysfunction.


Common Conditions

Conditions commonly treated by a Women’s Health Physio include

Gynaecological Conditions:

Bladder problems such as stress urinary incontinence, urgency and urge incontinence


Bowel problems such as constipation, wind, urgency or incontinence

Overactive pelvic floor and pelvic pain

Sexual problems such as vaginismus or painful intercourse

Rehabilitation post gynae surgery

Antenatal Conditions:

Lower back or pelvic girdle pain (PGP) during pregnancy

Postnatal Conditions:

Pelvic floor dysfunction after childbirth

3rd or 4th degree tear during childbirth

Divarication or separation of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy


What to expect

The initial and subsequent treatments times will vary depending on the type and complexity of the condition, but usually first assessment will be an hour and subsequent appointments 45 mins. All patients will benefit from a confidential assessment and treatment and will be given the time needed to address any sensitive issues they may be concerned about. A physical examination will be done which for gynaecological patients will involve an internal examination for which your consent will be obtained. Treatment will be tailored to your individual condition. I am a strong believer in the holistic approach to treatment and will work with you to attain optimum wellbeing through exercise therapy and Pilates, relaxation, restoring good bladder and bowels habits, as well as diet and fluid intake and lifestyle advice if needs be.


Other services that can support your treatment

Services that can support Women’s Health Physio are Dietician, Chiropractry, Pilates, Hypnotherapy, TaiChi, Yoga, Pre and post-natal Pilates and yoga, Pilates, Acupuncture and Counselling

What will it cost?

Please click here to see a list of all our prices.

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Meet our Therapists

Nicola Travlos

Nicola Travlos

Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor

I played sport to a high level at school in Zimbabwe and this, along with my fascination with the anatomy and biomechanics of the human body, led me to study physiotherapy at the University of Cape town. I qualified as an aPPi Pilates instructor in 2012 and my understanding of exercise and human movement has grown. Click here to find out more about Nicola.

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