Life Coaching

What it is

Life Coaching can help when you feel a bit stuck. We all hit blocks occasionally; problems in our relationships, career dilemmas, transitional periods like retirement or the menopause, times of stress and anxiety.

A coach works with you by  listening deeply, reflecting back to you what they have heard and gently challenging.  A good coach won’t give you the answers but will guide and support you as you discover new ways of approaching the problem in front of you.

As a Life Coach, I am not a  perfect being with a perfect life. I will sit with you and listen to you without judgement, offer alternative perspectives and tools to help you move forward. 

Read more about what coaching is here in my blog, “Can Coaching Make You Luckier?”

Common Conditions

You can bring all sorts of challenges to a coaching programme.  Life is complex and presents us with many situations where  an unbiased ear can be helpful. Common topics might include, negotiating life or career changes, managing difficult relationships, improving confidence and self-worth, understanding emotions, managing your energy and avoiding overwhelm.

What to expect

First, we will have a chat to make sure coaching is suitable for your needs and that we are a good fit for each other. We will then agree on an appropriate type of programme and focus for our sessions together. I offer 1:1 sessions which can be delivered either face to face or via zoom. At the end of each session, we will review what has been most important and agree on some homework to help things bed in. I will regularly check-in with you to ensure we are always working in line with the changes you want to make and the vision you have for your future.

I don’t offer single or ad-hoc coaching sessions. We need time to get to know each other and changing thoughts and habits that have built up, sometimes over many years is deep work.  My core offering is a 10 -week programme which will begin with an in-depth assessment of you, your needs and a vision for where you’d like to be at the end of our time together. I will then design an appropriate programme for us to work through together selecting tools and exercises which will have the most impact and meaning for you. I can adapt this programme along the way if I feel there is a different avenue we should investigate.  I want to make sure that at the end of our time together, life has shifted for the better and you can step out looking at a new horizon.

If you would like to book a discovery call, email me direct on jo@courtyard or phone 07815 899342

Warm wishes


Other services that can support your treatment


We adopt a teamwork approach at Courtyard. We have experts in a host of therapies and if needed, we will refer you on to these clinicians to support your care and get you properly well. All of these stages will be discussed and agreed, guided by us but revolving around you.
Therapies commonly used to support Life coaching are:-





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Meet our Therapists

Jo Turner

Jo Turner

Coach, Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor

Life Coaching is a positive process of identifying areas in life where you feel stuck, looking at the blocks and working with your coach to re-frame your thinking and find tools to help you move forward. Click here to find out more about Jo.

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