Meet Rich


BSc Hons Physiotherapy

Specialist Fields

Physiotherapy, TRX


I was introduced to physio from a young age following an injury to my achilles tendon; I was given treatment and exercises which really helped. Following this I spent a lot of my school holidays shadowing the physios at Courtyard and was simply amazed by their skill set and knowledge base. I started to realise then that I wanted to be a physio myself, but at the time it seemed an impossible task. The advice I was given was to get my head down and work for it, so I did.

Tailoring my studies around this I became very driven with the idea of becoming a qualified physiotherapist. The defining moment for me was at a careers meeting at school when I was told I “wasn’t smart enough” to become a physio and that I should look at a different career path. This spurred me on further and I chose to do a qualification in Sport & Exercise Science. This led me to the University of Nottingham where I graduated as a physiotherapist. I then came back to Gloucestershire, where I grew up, to start my career.

I’m very passionate about physiotherapy generally and believe that comes across in my approach. I believe that all practise should be evidence based from up-to-date research so the care provided is effective. Education, trust and enjoyment are all key components of providing quality treatment in my opinion and so this is what I continually strive for. Treatments do not need to be complicated, they need to be simple but focussed. Whether this is through exercise, sport-specific or manual therapy, focus is key.

Looking at people for who they are and not just an injured knee, shoulder or ankle is also very important. Physios are in a great position to have a positive impact on people’s lives, general health and wellbeing. Helping people make changes for the better and having a positive impact are some of the many reasons why I love my job!