fruit and veg






Well where did that time go!? It seems like only yesterday that our volunteers embarked on their individual diets but now we come to the end, or should I say, the next phase in their journey!

Over the last 6 weeks each volunteer has had a specific goal they have wanted to achieve or sticking spot they have wanted to overcome which has included:

  • Weight loss
  • Injury recovery
  • Reducing IBS symptoms
  • Fitting good nutrition into a busy schedule

I can happily say that by and large each participant has achieved some, if not all of their goal:

  • Over a stone of weight loss between the group
  • A reduction in IBS symptoms, both for participants and their family members!
  • A healthier relationship with food

It’s not always been easy and over the weeks my role has to been to help our volunteers overcome particular barriers or to keep them on track when they have not felt overly motivated.

Here are some quotes from the participants which highlights their particular diets:

“The biggest challenge has been having to be super organised! Lots of meal planning, cooking lots and having easy go-tos ready in the fridge but my husband has loved it too and has made him feel so much better regarding his bowel happiness! Thanks for starting it all off Ian! its been a game changer for sure!” 

“I certainly feel that my various niggles are in a much better place since starting the supplements. I managed to complete a recent triathlon beating last years time. Before I started the diet it was touch and go whether or not I actually took part and I definitely feel stronger, again another aim of the diet.”

“I would say that the 6-week project has been a great success for me, but in different ways than I might have predicted. I’ve been stressed and tired, but the diet has been very helpful during this period.”

“To start I was obsessive about “getting the diet right”, but after some success followed by a blow out I decided to reframe my thoughts around the project. I decided to tell myself I wasn’t on a diet, but simply trying to get some good stuff into me.”

“I focused on improving breakfast, including more vegetables In my evening meal and having healthy snacks on hand. The outcome is that I have definitely had more energy, notably in the morning, I have felt less full and bloated after evening meals, and when I stopped worrying about it, I lost 7 pounds.”

I for one am extremely pleased with the challenge results and the enthusiasm of all the participants, who have kindly shared some of their favourite recipes. Look out for featured recipe leaflets in reception over the next few weeks. If you feel like taking on your own diet challenge why not get in touch to see how we can work together to make your goals a reality.