Self-care is a buzz phrase at the moment, the internet is awash with articles, books and blogs on the subject and self-care gurus are popping up at every turn. It’s easy to be cynical about what might be seen as the next fad and you might well ask why self-care has become ‘a thing.’

Everything has its moment and I suspect this is part of a pendulum swing, a reaction to the ‘work harder, have it all’ mantra of the 90s and early 00’s.

As a teenager and young woman during this time, I was aware of how lucky I was, with opportunities that other brave women fought so hard for and more rights and privileges than any generation before me. The problem is when “You can have it all” is interpreted as “You must do and be it all. Get the best job, be the best wife/husband, mother/father, colleague, friend, oh and if you could try and make it look easy that would be great.”

The effects of poor self-care

If we’re not careful, we allow ourselves to become depleted and resentful. We teach our children that ‘having it all’ is really hard work, criticising ourselves for every minor failure and turning choice and opportunity into punishment.

So what is the solution? In all honesty none of us know do we? If anyone had all the answers, we wouldn’t be having these conversations at work, on the school run, with our partners and friends. One thing I am certain of is that there is no “one size fits all” solution. There are common themes in the way we express our frustrations but we are all dealing with a unique set of circumstances.

Self-care in practise

Self-care will mean different things for everyone. Here are some examples:-

  • Blocking out a regular diary slot for a treatment; massage, reflexology, acupuncture
  • Taking a weekly yoga or higher intensity fitness class. Or taking a walk outside each day
  • Addressing a niggling injury
  • Booking some time away
  • Making changes to your diet
  • Thinking about the way you perceive yourself. So much negative talk goes on in our heads, ‘too big, too small, not successful enough, not a good parent.’ Surely, addressing this is one of the most important aspects of self-care
  • If you are a workaholic or suffer from symptoms of stress but are not good at noticing the symptoms,  you could ask a trusted friend to keep an eye out for you

Fad or not, I believe the concept of self-care has a place in our lives as a reaction to modern habits of mutli-tasking and pushing ourselves to overwhelm. There is no right or wrong way to practise self-care but I am glad that the concept, whatever you want to call it is being considered. We offer many services which we hope can help you to take better care of yourself, but it doesn’t have to happen at Courtyard. There are numerous ways to look after yourself well, we just want you to find the right formula for you.

For information on how to book any of our services, email us, or call 01453 548119 to speak with one of our receptionists.